Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Donald Sterling


     Seriously I am really starting to feel bad for this guy. He looks like a old grandfather that got his heartbroken by a women that he really did care about. He should have known though that she did not love him, that she was only interested in his money, Another Anna Nichole. 

     Then, Anderson Cooper tore Mr. Sterling a new asshole. I used to love Anderson Cooper, but after he did what he did to this old, broken heart man, not so much anymore. Sure he did not take his PR people, so all questions were up for asking. For fuck sake give the old man the respect he deserves for making this far in life. He was there to apologize,  he truly looked to be sorry. He was fucking crying old man tears, A.K.A. "dust".

     I see that Mr. Sterling got his Freedom of Speech trampled all over by the NBA. It was a private conversation between him and his young whore. Then she records what he says, and tries to extort him for money. Why did she not get charged with extortion. She is black-Latino, that's why, and that's bullshit.

     Guy is fucking eighty years old. He was raised during the time of hate, segregation, if he were a real racist he sure the fuck, would not be fucking a black-Latino, no old racist would do that. Yeah he made some dumb ass comments because he was getting flustered. Anderson Cooper ran with that shit like a thief in Ft. Knox. 

     Now Mr. Sterling has dug himself a even deeper hole due to that. It makes me sick and saddens me. Private conversation made public, get a old man fined, and permanent banned from the NBA. They should have looked at the facts. He was in his house, on the phone, in a private conversation. What he did in privacy should not effect his standing with the NBA. 

     It is not like he said this in a press release, or in public. He had no idea his whore, was going to extort him. He thought she loved him, as he loved her. Sure he made what seem to be racist comments. But if he were a racist as old as he was, he would have used much stronger explicit words. Especially at his age!

     He was right to say that Magic Johnson was no kind of role model, fucking every women, in every city, passing HIV around like candy on Halloween. The only thing Magic about Johnson, is the fact since I was in 2nd grade he has had HIV, and its not full blown AIDS yet. 

     That is what having lots of money does for you. Buys your life, and the silence of the people you infect with your man whore disease. 

To the NBA i say, shame on you, fuck you, and burn in hell for being part of this new United States of the offended, and being politically correct, about political correctness. 

To Magic "HIV" Johnson, Go fuck yourself, and stop fucking other women, cause I don't want to be infected with your magic in my lifetime. You lying sack of shit, trying to team steal. 

To Anderson Cooper, Shame on you for using this old dude to up the rating for yourself. You should be ashamed of yourself. This man is not a racist. Go fuck yourself too by the way.

To Extortion Whore, there is a special place in hell for women like you. If I go to hell, I hope to be the one that tortures bitches like you for eternity, i would take sick pleasure in it.

Finally to Donald Sterling, sorry things went down like this. You came from generation of hate, and to show the love that you do is amazing. I have met several older gentleman that have no reserves about using racist explicit like water from a tap. You sir, are just at the wrong end of a bad situation. Hopes are that some new social bullshit pops up, that takes the light off you long enough for people to move the fuck on. Leaving you in peace that you deserve. 

Im Huxlee29 saying go fuck yourselves, except for you Mr. Sterling your good in my eyes!


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