Well first off let me say this, I HATE POLITICS, but I live here so I can state my opinion. If your one of those dicks that say. "Well if you don't vote then you have no say." Of coarse i do not fucking vote. Last time I did, I got four jury duty summons for bullshit cases, That i weaseled my way out of being picked so I could go the fuck home.
I am not saying this to be racist but it is absolutely true. If you do not want to get picked for jury duty ever again. So long as you live. All you have to say to the lawyers, judge, or other people screening you is.
Is the person white or black, if their black they are guilty, if they are trying to sue for money, and they are black, their just lazy monkeys. They don't wanna work so i will not vote their way. That will instantly get you kicked from ever in your life getting called again. You will in fact be (PUN INTENDED) BLACK LISTED.
Or if they are native american you can always be RED FLAGGED! HA.
Back to the topic at hand. politics, I hate it so much, that spell checker keeps flagging it for my extra "O" i keep adding to it. Maybe because, when I think of politics, I think of polio, one of the many bad things to cripple people.
I also have a firm belief that all politicians should be females. Because, they are always right, never wrong, even when they are 100% wrong. They cannot make up their minds. It take forever to do anything because they spend forever looking and changing. Something my brother told me too, They wanna nuke a country every month when they are raging.
The government lies to its people, covers stuff up, and also censors the press. We have become also the
United States of the Offended. Prayer in school, sorry no my agnostic, Jewish or otherwise child is not of
that religion so i don't want him or her praying.
Well in that case let them stand their fucking silent and let the others do their thing mother fuckers. Then the
whole, NO PLEDGE, cause it uses the word god in it. FUCK ARE YOU SERIOUS, god, Vishnu, Muhammad, Allah. EVER READ WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. "A rose by any other name."
Its called word substitution fucktards.
FREEDOM OF RELIGION : only if your not a christian.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH : only when you say what they tell you to say.
FREEDOM OF PRESS : only if you show what is allowed anything more is considered treason.
Politicians locked up the wiki leaks guy for leaking information that was leaked to him. He had freedom of speech, and press to give to the public what was given to him. And they locked his ass up.
You can't express your views, or opinions anymore without someone suing you. Or without getting your name smeared and being called everything under the sun. If you talk about homosexuals, politics, religion, in any lite other than praise. You become public enemy number one.
Like my thoughts on homosexuals, marriage, etc. Hey, let them be just as miserable getting married as married people are. I had a gay friend before I moved. It kinda grossed me out to see him kiss his boyfriend. Once I stayed over at his house for the night NEVER AGAIN did I do that.
Cause hearing him buttfuck his man girl in the ass threw the night has left me scared ever since.
it dose make me wonder if they do get married, will the blow jobs stop like in a man, and women marriage. Will it be the only thing that make homo marriage better than hedro marriage. Cause they still blow each other.
As far as my religious view go i believe in something greater than myself. Though, for the like of me i cant follow a religion blindly. Cause that could lead to me walking right off the cliff with the rest of the whack jobs who have closed mind to everything that isn't god and Jesus Christ.
I made a Jesus freak madder than hell one day. She was preaching during smoke break time. That anything not from earth is a demonic, evil. That aliens are demons sent by Satan to take over the earth. That us traveling to space is us just exploring the cold emptiness of hell.
So after listing to this bitch rant I shot in my two cents. "I say there Jesus Freak, you say everything not from earth is demonic, and sent by Satan." "Yes cause anything not from earth is evil, cause god created earth, or some shit she said."
Well if that is true. "I said", then god is a demon too. Therefore you worship a demonic lord, or a idol, Because, since he is not from earth. He is evil, but because he is not Satan, then he is the golden calf and a false god. So you should worship Satan, because your ten commandments state, "thou shalt not worship any gods before me."
She get totally pissed at this point. I never said god was a demon i said nothing from earth is a demon.
I reply with, Well god is not from earth, he made earth, he made the heavens, but he himself is not from earth. Because, he came before earth.
She then choked up, got mad, called me a fucking asshole, blasphemer, and then stormed off. I WAS THE MOTHER FUCKING HERO. no one had to listen to her close minded shit for the rest of the smoke break.
I am not a easily offended person, once in my life have i ever felt disgust for a person and offended by that person. Let me tell you something it was quite a thing i was getting accused of, just because they were the worst possible example of a human at the time.
Though, i had that encounter with the Jesus freak, they were full within their rights to state their beliefs because freedom of religion and speech.
But if a crazy christian goes off on a rant. Then they are crucified by the media for that belief. But if a crazy Muslim bombs the fuck out of people or spits on other because they don't believe the same then its ok cause he has freedom of his religion.
I know for a fact that most counties do not care for american people. In fact they will go as far as to force you to learn their language, because you are in their country. To learn their customs because you are in their country. ETC..
But in america its not the same. Our children are forced to learn Spanish to accommodate the growing Hispanic community, we learn their customs as to not offend them.
I say, HEY MOTHER FUCKER YOUR IN OUR COUNTRY LEARN THE CUSTOMS LEARN THE FUCKING LANGUAGE. Again we are in the United States of the offended, and we don't want to offend them so we must accommodate them, or they will sue you for big money.
I say, HEY FUCKERS IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT GO BACK TO WHERE EVER IT IS YOU CAME FROM. I am forced to learn their ways, and their language, then when they are living here, then they should have to learn the same.
I have tried to learn mandarin, because it a artful language. I FAIL HARD, my heathen tongue destroys it.
example the word MA has four different meaning in their language. And if pronounced wrong you could call someones mother a horse. MA said in a low to high means question or asking. MA in a mono tone means mother, MA high tone to low tone means angry. And MA in a high low high tone means horse. Just one word can be hard to master depending on its accent mark.
I know i kinda go off the trail here. But you know what makes the shit a bit more fucking interesting to read. Better than reading some garbage banged out by some lesbian emo butch feminist with a clit big as a dick and getting hard from talking super professional.
Don't get offended by the way i talk or type. Keeps you interested dose it not.
Politics are absolute bullshit. Politicians are the flies that love to eat the bullshit. Just like the bullshit about gun control. To disarm american tax payers. Just because your phyco child went on a fucking shooting rampage. Because instead of being a parent, you were to busy not wanting to notice your little phyco needed some serious fucking help.
You rather go to the gym, work long hours, have your dinners out, while the whore baby sitter fucks her boyfriend and leaves your phyco to kill the cat and wear its skin. Now you yell gun control.
Hey fuck you, i don't own a gun. But those who want them have the right to bear them. Because not all of them are gonna go on phyco shooting sprees that end with them eating the barrel.
Do you ass hats think that disarming law abiding citizens is going to stop the killings, and crime. NOO YOU FUCKING MORONS ITS GOING TO ESCALATE THE PROBLEMS. The only people who will have guns are the fucking criminals who kept their already, illegally obtained firearms. Which they will then use to shoot the fucking innocent peoples who cant shoot the fuck back.
This takes me to Treyvon Martin. Glad that fucker is dead, you know why. Because he is a example to the youths of today. Don't act like a tough shit street gangsta, who want to fight all the time, bully mother fuckers, And like like gold chain, big pimping, drug dealer, crime lord. OR YOUR GONNA GET YOUR FUCKING ASS SHOT.
And the fucker who shot him was a fucking cop wanna be. Which ended just like it would if one was really a criminal and the other was a cop. The cop would have shot the criminal end of story. Cop fills out his stack of paper, sees a shrink, and goes back to duty.
The only reason guns are not taken away from us is. If they take em away all the people like me and the gun owners will blow up like a bomb. Infringe in the constitution of american. not taking them away has the other half blowing up that they don't amend the amendments.
So the only real action at this time is no action. Ignore it and do nothing. Instead of telling those hippy ass activists. Its a law abiding citizens constitutional rights to carry a gun. So shut the fuck up. No, politicians hide like bitch pussies, say nothing to the fucking hippy fucks.
The whole make love not war is bullshit to. Oh Mr. hippy you haven't washed your dick in 2 weeks well let me suck it clean. Oh ms. Hippy you haven't cleaned your twat out after 50 guys dumped their cum in you. Let me be number 51.
Guess what happens, STD's spread like wild fire, or in the case wild flowers. The STD's are not your run of the mill general infections from being unclean. They are fatal. Guess what else can be fatal, WAR!
The hippies created home brew biological warfare by spreading their free love to anyone with a dick, or a pussy.
The hippies didn't think about their actions and spread fatal STD's across the USA. Just like dumb fucking politicians didn't think about what they were doing and cost american soldiers their life.